Tree Party Spring 2024
In the spring of 2024, Eco Building Products of Elberta is giving 1000+ trees to Love Farm. This contribution is in addition to Eco's annual donation of 1% of profits to regional non-profits. Would you like to help us plant trees?
Volunteer on Saturday, May 4 at 11:00 am. The CSPP (Carbon Sequestration Potluck and Party) will follow around 7:00 pm. Please RSVP for either the tree planting or the Party.
Location, Time, RSVP
Love Farm West Farm
3730 Highland Drive
Beulah, Michigan 49617
Smart phone warning! There are two Highland Drives in Beulah. Love Farm is on the ridge above the north shore of Crystal Lake, (not in the village of Beulah on the east end of Crystal Lake).
Saturday May 4
11:00 am - 11:30 am > orientation and planting tutorial
11:30 am - 7:00 > planting
7:00 pm - 11:00 pm > party
Dan phone 231 eight eight two-0460 or email friends AT love DOT farm
Preparing to work
We'll be working in pairs. If you're not coming as one of two, we'll hook you up with a groovy planting partner. Bring gloves if you got 'em. Weather could be variable, dress in layers. We'll be working on sloping fields in full sun, if there is sun. Wide brimmed hats could be helpful, but be sure they are well connected to your head in case of wind.
Children are welcome but must be over 13 to be planting as part of pair, otherwise they can be a (well behaved) third or fourth member of an adult pair. Under 13 kids should not dig or be close to exposed soil. This is because we are working in an old orchard and the soil of legacy Northern Michigan orchards is often contaminated with heavy metals. Tree planting is safe, but children tend to want to play and dig in the dirt, and that's not ok here.

Exposed sandy soil could contain lead and arsenic. Little kids are not allowed to dig.
Friendly, easy going dogs are welcome, no spazzy or barky dogs, no cat chasers.
CSPP (Carbon Sequestration Potluck and Party)
We will be making food for folks, and a dish to pass is always welcome. We encourage vegetarian and organic fare. Please label your dish with ingredients.
Movie production
The day will be documented with ground cameras and a drone. We'll have releases for adults to sign for themselves and their kids. The movie or movies will be posted on and If you prefer to be incognito, we'll have "no close up" ribbons for to wear so the camera operators can avoid recording your face.
Message from Eco Building Products
Each year Eco Building Products contributes one percent of its gross profits to local and regional nonprofits. This year, Eco Building Products will also plant 1200 trees, 1000 of which are coniferous, 100 native plum and another 100 native hazelnut.
On Saturday, May 4 at 11:00 am we hope to have 12 volunteer pairs (24 people total) planting 100 trees each. Might you be willing and able to help us accomplish this goal? We will meet at love Farm located near Crystal Highlands. We estimate it will take six hours to do the planting and then we will transition from planting to celebrating with a Carbon Sequestration Potluck Party. Please let me know if you are willing and able to join in the fun! We’d love to have you planting, but if that doesn’t work for you, we would also love to have you join in the post planting celebration.
Looking forward to a day of work for earth! I will be needing a groovy planting partner and will be there at 11.
Thanks Debra, looking forward to your day with us!
hey Dan, James Kudlack is coming with my friend Laura from school, she is excited to be apart of the magic.
Yay James! Be great to see you both on the land here. Magic will be had and felt, guaranteed!
So glad that you posted all the rules; no barking dogs, no children that can’t complete 7+ hours of work without trying to have fun. Bring vegetarian food, appropriately labeled, no emojis, no texting except for directions, blah, blah, blah. Sounds like the modern-day equivalent of a death march. I’ll pass.
Hi Rebecca, thanks for your feedback. The reason for texting about emojis and likes was to acknowledge the folks who have flip phones that get a notification every time anything happens on a thread. Becomes a little overwhelming. As far as kids go, they can play all they want, they just can’t dig as our soil could have contamination, that’s for their own safety. Probably best you follow your intuition about not coming to plant trees, if my online communication style chafes, then meeting me person probably won’t be an improvement 😉