HNS Site Specific Policies and Procedures
The purpose of this document is to make clear the respective roles and responsibilities
of Love Farm (LF) and Human Nature School (HNS) staff members to meet the goals of
both organizations.
1. Posted
a. These protocols will be posted and available to LF and HNS staff
during all times of operation. LF will be responsible for updating the posted
document before the beginning of any new season/session. Posting space will
provided near Farm Store in the barn.
2. Staff
a. A current staff roster for LF and HNS will be posted.
3. Behavior management
a. Conflict resolution with students is the responsiibilty of HNS. Love Farm
may post additional behavioral guidelines in the future.
4. Roster of campers
a. Maintenance of the roster of campers (including attendance and medical)
is the responsibility of HNS.
5. Health service policy
a. Medical emergency response services beyond basic first aid/CPR will not
be provided by LF or HNS.
b. As provided by Thomas King, Emergency Medical Services Director of
Benzie County, the estimated time for an ambulance to arrive on location
3730 Highland Drive are as follows:
i. From location 1 = 13 minutes from Frankfort Station 3 right across
from hospital
ii. From location 2 (in case location 1 is not available) = 18 minute
c. The following will be maintained by LF for ease of entrance by medical
emergency vehicles:
i. Firm pack driveaway or two track, clear of obstructions, minimum
10ft wide and tall
ii. Well lit address - green reflectors at driveway by roadside
d. As advised by Benzie County Fire Chief Steve Adams, LF will maintain the
following conditions for ease of access of fire emergency vehicles:
i. Driveway free from obstructions 12 feet wide and 14 feet high,
ii. Keep access lane of driveway and loop around barn clear,
iii. Any outdoor fires to be preceded by a “permit”, which is
accomplished by visiting the DNR Burn Permits Management
webpage and checking that Lake Township is allowed fires
6. Nutrition and food service
a. LF does not currently provide a food preparation area. HNS students and
staff are responsible for providing their own food sufficient for the full day.
b. The only consumable that will be made available is drinking water directly
from the well onsite. See posted test results for safety of drinking water.
7. High adventure activities
a. Aquatics
i. HNS students and staff will not swim in Rush or Long Lake.
Wading in shallow water up to the knees is allowed. If HNS
attendees are not able to follow this guideline, time spent near
Rush or Long Lake may need to be restricted.
ii. Access to Rush and Long Lake will be restricted on program days
when the air temperature/wind chill is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
8. Transportation
a. HNS students will be transported to and from LF by their parents or
appointed guardians. LF or HNS staff will not transport students in
vehicles on or off site without request/permission from parent/guardian.
9. Site safety
a. See Do’s Document for prohibited areas on farm.
b. Known old dump sites are prohibited areas and are marked on No-Dig
c. Any rusty barrels are to be avoided and not disturbed.
d. Other risks to be aware of on this historic farm land are barbed wire, rusty
scrap metal, and fencing.
e. Top soil - Due to the presence of heavy metals in the topsoil, digging is
prohibited except in approved areas (see No-Dig Map).
f. Although the spring water flowing on the farm has been tested in some
places, LF advises against drinking the spring water.
g. Parking/traffic flow - HNS and LF staff will follow a parking/drop off/pick up
system that reduces risk of automobile related injury to all present on
h. For other site safety protocols, refer to Coming to Love Farm document.
10. Emergency procedure
a. The addresses for directing emergency services are:
i. West Farm - 3730 Highland Drive, Beulah, off of Crystal Drive on
the north shore of Crystal Lake
ii. East Farm - 3090 Cooper Road (seasonal county road), should be
approached via Rogers Road (not 22)
i. In this case, HNS or LF staff will determine that conditions are no
longer safe to be out of doors and will move the staff and students
into the Farm Store room and remain there until conditions have
ii. The Farm Store has space for approx. 30 people to lay or crouch,
and is heated to minimum 40 degrees by a large propane heater
that was installed in 2023 by a licensed plumber/electrician.
iii. Five gallon glass carboys of potable water will be stored in this
space for emergency use only.
c. Medical - HNS is responsible for all medical emergency situations,
including up to date first aid kits. All incidents considered reportable by
the HNS Safety document will be reported to LF.
d. Fire - outdoor, uncontrolled - In the case of an outdoor fire that is burning
outside of prescribed areas or out of control, HNS is responsible for taking
the following steps:
i. removing staff and students to safety
ii. calling emergency services
iii. notifying LF staff
e. Fire - building. In the case of a fire in any building at LF, HNS staff will:
i. calmly remove all staff and students from all buildings
ii. call emergency services and share appropriate address (see
iii. immediately take attendance. If staff or student is missing,
immediately inform emergency services upon arrival.
11. Use of facilities
a. The only indoor facilities that are to be utilized by HNS are:
i. The Bathroom with composting toilet and hand washing station.
ii. The Farm Store. In the case of an emergency requiring shelter (eg.
person with hypothermic risk or extreme weather), the Love Farm
Store room will be available for use.
b. Two ground floor exits from barn interior to the outside (signage) will be
kept unlocked during all hours of operation.
12. Fire safety
a. Charged fire extinguishers will be present in 1. the bathroom and 2. farm
store. Please note locations.
b. See Emergency Procedure above
13. Toilet fixtures and handwashing
a. LF will provide a commercially manufactured composting toilet and hand washing station for HNS use. HNS staff will be trained in its proper use prior to the start of the first day of the session. HNS staff will be responsible for instructing students of the proper use of the toilet and handwashing station.
14. Garbage and other solid waste
a. Landfill and recycling - LF will not provide waste disposal receptacles.
HNS is responsible for ensuring that all food packaging, recycleables, and
other non-compostable refuse is removed from the premises following
each day of programming.
b. LF will direct HNS staff of proper location for all food scraps. LF does not
tolerate food scraps being distributed onto the land.
c. See (Do’s Doc) for other waste related guidelines
15. Water supply
a. The faucet next to the shack is the designated source of potable water.
HNS staff will be trained in the proper use of this faucet and will be
responsible for instructing students in its proper use.
[…] curriculum with wilds resonance. Inspired by Michigan's camp site licensing requirements, we wrote "Policies and Procedures" specifically for HNS instructors. "Coming to Love Farm" is intended for visitors generally. Both […]