Catch Phrases
bio remediation
wilds resonance
humanure - fertility conservation
biochar, charcoal for soil
cover crops not chemically terminated
bioreactor hot composting
nutrient dense food
wildcrafting foraging
community synergy
community hosting
arts - music, dance, sculpture, painting
intergenerational experience
freedom of information
knowledge and resource sharing and collaboration
bodily autonomy
documentary filmmaking
poison free
watershed stewardship
economic empowerment
regenerative revenue
open source
diverse webs of connection
farm alliances
innovation - terra preta, layered bed building, interplanting, predator habitat in the garden
solar dehydration
narrative filmmaking
mythogical interpretation
healing from life arts, deliberate thriving
energetic attraction, magnetism, like attracts like
dream and imagination
placebo effect as a hint about what's possible
self education aesthetic for everyone (some folks say home school, or unschool but we like to loose the problematic word "school")
mentorship, apprenticing, hands on
citizen science
skill and tool sharing
interspecies communication, compassion and wilds speak, listening, paying attention
rewilding, prewilding
gentle human presence
the end of consumption
non toxic products replacing all
fasting / cleansing
food virtuosity - freshness, taste and nutrient availability
lineage practices - yoga, tai chi not from "teacher training"
age appropriate learning
motivation without coercion
non mediated / non censored social media
practice embodiment and presence as often as possible
appreciation of the body through art
sauna and temperature extremes
health and love are wealth
if health is wealth and knowledge is power then knowing how to regenerate physicality is the abundance
appropriate technology
advanced technology cooperatives
ancient technology redeployed
dry stone wall and timber framing
artists and engineers in residence
benevolent medical culture beyond pharma influence
alternative currency, real money, hour trade