Bow Hunting Weekly Lease
Bow Hunting Weekly Lease
Love Farm Wilds LLC in Benzie County is offering two leases for experienced bow hunters on our ~60 acre west farm. Both leases are weekly (Wednesday - Wednesday) from October 1, 2022 - January 1, 2023. Address is 3730 Highland Drive, 49617.

The South Orchard
is ~15 acres and features a mixed conifer forest that slopes down to a rolling antique apple orchard, with unmowed orchard grass and two flowing springs. A paved county road borders the property to the east with a sparsely populated residential neighborhood across. A thick buffer of deciduous forest lies between the South Orchard and the resort neighborhood along Crystal Lake. See green overlay on aerial photograph.

The North Bluff
is ~10 acres and features a deciduous forest bluff that drops steeply down to ~900 feet of wild shoreline on Long Lake. There are several seeps and springs flowing out of the slope. There are sparsely populated residential neighborhoods to the east and west. See green overlay on aerial photograph.
Between the two bow hunting leases are farm buildings and ~30 acres of unmowed meadow with deer, rabbit, turkey, fox, coyote and seasonal birds. Sandhill cranes nested and fledged in the meadow this past summer. The farm area and meadow are accessible to both leases but hunting is not permitted there, neither targeting or shots. See the map, green for lease and yellow for access only.
Wifi and bathroom are within walking distance from the South Orchard and 1/4 mile from the North Bluff.
- Bow or crossbow only, absolutely no firearms or ammo can be brought on the property.
- Proof of 2 million in liability insurance, hunters or homeowners.
- Hunters must have either 2 prior bow kills within the last two years or a recommendation from Greg McDonald of Gauthiers in Traverse City.
- Cell phone call or text 6 hours prior to visiting the property.
- No camping, no open fires.
New - End of Season Rates
- South Orchard - 2 hunters maximum $600/week or $1000 for 2 weeks
- remainder of the season (now until 1/1/23) $2000
- North Bluff - 1 hunter maximum $400/week or $700 for 2 weeks
- remainder of the season (now until 1/1/23) $1000
Contact Dan Kelly 231 882-0460